
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mou4 kung4
Character Meaning:
nothing; none; nil; without; lacking
poor; in poverty; to exhaust; to use up
Part of Speech: adjective
endless; limitless
(Cant.) 無窮無盡mou4 kung4 mou4 zeon6
(Eng.) inexhaustible
(Cant.) 後患無窮hau6 waan6 mou4 kung4
(Eng.) with no end of trouble in the future
(Cant.) 其樂無窮kei4 lok6 mou4 kung4
(Eng.) with endless pleasure
(Cant.) 力大無窮lik6 daai6 mou4 kung4
(Eng.) extraordinarily strong; strong as an ox
(Cant.) keoi5jung6mou4kung4ge3jung5hei3heoi3min6deoi3gam1ci3ji3ngoi6zou6sing4ge3soeng1caan4
(Eng.) He showed limitless courage in the face of his disability caused by this accident.
Synonym: Synonym: 無限
See also: 漫長 冇了賴 無窮無盡 無止境 無邊 無極限 千變萬化 所向無敵 欲罷不能 無以復加 無價寶 無堅不摧 無極限 無止境 無盡 無與倫比 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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