
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mou4 zi2 ging2
Character Meaning:
nothing; none; nil; without; lacking
stop; till; to stop; to cease; to prohibit; to forbid
place; area; region; boundary; circumstance; situation
Part of Speech: adjective
without an end; bottomless; endless; limitless; unlimited
(Cant.) mou4zi2ging2ge3dang2doi6
(Eng.) an endless wait; waiting forever
(Cant.) keoi5gam3laan6dou2nei5ze3cin2bei2keoi5mou5zi2ging2gaa3
(Eng.) He's addicted to gambling. It will be endless if you lend him money!
See also: 漫長 冇了賴 無窮 無窮無盡 無邊 無極限 無限 開放式 不盡 一次又一次 不顧一切 沒完沒了 無可奈何 無可避免 無所不用其極 無時無刻 無窮無盡 無能為力 隨之而來 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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