
Entry #1
Pronunciation: long6 ciu4
Character Meaning:
wave; swell; crotch of pants
tide; trendy; avant-garde; in fashion; damp; moist
Part of Speech: noun
  • tide; wave (measure word: 陣)
    (Cant.) long6ciu4dit6hei2
    (Eng.) tides arise repeatedly

  • tide; wave; movement (measure word: 陣 / 股)
    (Cant.) san1long6ciu4din6jing2
    (Eng.) films of the New Wave
    (Cant.) jau5jan4hei3cing1dung1au1gung6caan2zyu2ji6po3caan2kap6sou1lyun4gaai2tai2ge3long6ciu4zou6sou1dung1bo1
    (Eng.) The wave of collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the dissolution of USSR is dubbed "the Soviet East Wave" (which also puns with the alias of Su Shi, a poet and politician in the Sung dynasty).

See also: 潮水 潮 潮汐 人浪 盪 招 揮動 社會運動 運動 社運 步伐 動作 來潮 受潮 波瀾壯闊 漲潮 狂潮 紅潮 退潮 風潮 風起雲湧 驚濤駭浪 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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