
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wan6 dung6
Character Meaning:
transport; luck; to carry; to transport; good luck; fortune
move; to move
Part of Speech: noun
  • sport; exercise (measure word: 種 / 項 / 樣 / 個)
    (Cant.) ngo5mui5ziu1dou1wui5zou6wan6dung6
    (Eng.) I exercise every morning.
    (Cant.) nei5waan2hoi1me1wan6dung6ngo5daa2laam4kau4
    (Eng.) What kind of sports do you play? I play basketball.

  • social movement; political movement (measure word: 次 / 場)
    (Cant.) ni1coeng4wan6dung6zung1jyu1git3cuk1gau3ging2zang1ceoi2dou2me1sing4gwo2ne1
    (Eng.) The movement finally ended, did we gain anything from it?

See also: 戴 訓 施以 活動 演習 社會運動 體壇 體育 公民社會 學運 抗爭 持久戰 文化大革命 法國大革命 社運 行動 革命 鬥爭 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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