
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sai2
Part of Speech: verb
  • to wash; to clean
    (Cant.) sai2sau2
    (Eng.) to wash one's hands
    (Cant.) sai2saam1
    (Eng.) laundry; to wash clothes
    (Cant.) sai2ce1
    (Eng.) to wash a car; car-washing

  • (of storage devices) to clear; to erase; to delete thoroughly
    (Cant.) sai2zo2dyun6luk6jam1
    (Eng.) to erase the recordings
    (Cant.) 洗機sai2 gei1
    (Eng.) to reinstall the operating system

See also: 清洗 洗滌 沖洗 清潔 掃除 騰 抹 磨滅
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