
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cing1 sai2
Character Meaning:
clear; to clean; pure; simple; (of food) light; plain; not greasy; completely; thoroughly; to deplete; to use up; to finish up; to empty; to remove; the Qing Dynasty
to wash; to clean; to erase
Part of Speech: verb
  • to wash; to rinse; to clean
    (Cant.) cing1sai2jan2jing4ngaan5geng2jat1ding6m4ho2ji5maa1fu1
    (Eng.) Contact lens cleaning must not be done carelessly.

  • to get rid of someone or something which is typically (perceived to be) impure; to purge
    (Cant.) 種族清洗zung2 zuk6 cing1 sai2
    (Eng.) ethnic cleansing
    (Cant.) cing1sai2wu1ming4
    (Eng.) to lift the stigma

See also: 洗滌 沖洗 清潔 掃除 洗脱 乾洗 沖洗 洗刷 洗地 洗濯 洗血 洗身 清掃 清理門户 清除 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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