
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zing3 soeng4
Character Meaning:
upright; good; enjoyable; precise; exact; accurate; correct; right; formal; chief; really; indeed; regular (polygon); positive
often; frequently; usually; regular; usual; habitual; frequent; constant; invariable; common; ordinary; normal; standard
Part of Speech: adjective
normal; regular; common
(Cant.) zing3soeng4ge3cuk1dou6
(Eng.) normal speed
(Cant.) lit6ce1fuk6mou6hai2sap6fan1zung1hau6wui4fuk6zing3soeng4
(Eng.) Normal train service was resumed after 10 minutes.
(Cant.) jan4dou3zung1nin4mou5pang4jau5hai6mai6zing3soeng4
(Eng.) Is it normal for middle-aged people to not have friends?
See also: 常態 尋常 照理 等閒 端正 正規 例行 定期 一般 共同 普通 一般 一般而言 不過 合情合理 基本上 完全變態 平常 普通 理所當然 過得去 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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