
Entry #1
Pronunciation: koi3 kut3
Character Meaning:
without exception; around; approximate
to bracket; to parenthesise
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: adjective
broad; general
(Cant.) koi3kut3ji4jin4
(Eng.) in brief; in general
(Cant.) koi3kut3ge3tou2dei6jung6tou4fong1sik1
(Eng.) broad land use pattern
(Cant.) nei5ho2m4ho2ji5koi3kut3gam2gong2haa5di1zung6dim2
(Eng.) Can you summarize the main points please?
(Cant.) jung6zi6fei1soeng4koi3kut3him3kyut3sat6zat1noi6jung4
(Eng.) The terms are broad and the content lacks substance.
See also: 博 寬 闊 寬闊 廣闊 大將 大體而言 一般 大方 以偏概全 概略 概述 歸納 簡略 簡要 籠統 總結 言簡意賅 長話短説 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: koi3 kut3
Character Meaning:
without exception; around; approximate
to bracket; to parenthesise
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: verb
to summarize; to use relatively few words to describe something relatively complicated or relatively detailed
(Cant.) zing3fu2ge3ni1go3mong5jip6koi3kut3zo2hoeng1gong2ge3gun2zi6koi3fong3
(Eng.) The government's web page covers the scope of governance in Hong Kong.
(Cant.) noi6jung4ho2ji5koi3kut3sing4ji5haa6gei2dim2
(Eng.) The contents can be summarized into the following points.
See also: 概述 總結 以偏概全 概略 概述 歸納 簡略 簡要 籠統 總結 言簡意賅 長話短説 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License