
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jau5 hang6
Character Meaning:
to have; have; there is/are; to be made up of; to own; to exist; can be found
good fortune; good fortunate; luck
Part of Speech: adverb
luckily; fortunately
(Cant.) jau5hang6jyu6dou2nei5
(Eng.) lucky to have encountered you
(Cant.) hei1mong6ngo5ho2ji5jau5hang6zoi3ci3gin3dou2nei5
(Eng.) Hopefully I would have the chance to see you again.
See also: 好在 幸虧 幸而 幸好 命水 好彩 吉利 幸運兒 慶幸 有朝一日 有生之年 有緣無份 機緣巧合 素昧平生 緣慳一面 良師益友 難能可貴 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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