
Entry #1
Pronunciation: syu2 gaa3
Character Meaning:
hot weather
false; holiday; fake; leave; untrue; counterfeit; artificial
Part of Speech: noun
summer vacation; summer break (from school) (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) zung1jyu1fong3syu2gaa3laa3ho2ji5m4使sai2duk6syu1zyu6
(Eng.) It's finally summer holiday! We don't have to study for the time being.
(Cant.) lei4gan2fong3syu2gaa3nei5jau5mou5nam2zyu6wan2syu2kei4gung1
(Eng.) Are you going to find a summer job for the coming summer holiday?
See also: 夏令 暑期工 夏日 夏天 寒假 年卅晚 復活節 暑期 暑期班 渡蜜月 聖誕節 農曆年 週末 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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