
Entry #1
Pronunciation: syu2 kei4 gung1
Character Meaning:
hot weather
phase; hope; term; issue; periodic time; stage
work; job; profession; vocation; man-day; working-day
Part of Speech: noun
  • summer job
    (Cant.) waa6gam3faai3jau6jat1go3hok6nin4jau6dou3zo2wan2syu2kei4gung1ge3si4gaan3
    (Eng.) Another academic year has passed. It's time to find a summer job.

  • employee of a summer job
    (Cant.) ni1dou6ceng2m4ceng2syu2kei4gung1aa3
    (Eng.) Do you employ students to do summer jobs here?
    (Cant.) go3syu2kei4gung1jat6jat6dou1ci4loeng5saam1go3zi6sin1faan1gung1keoi5dong3zi6gei2hai6lou5sai3aa4
    (Eng.) The summer employee comes to work 10-15 minutes late every day. Does he think he is the boss?

See also: 夏令 暑假 夏日
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