
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fong1 hoeng3
Character Meaning:
square; party; group; side; rectangular
towards; facing a direction; -oriented
Part of Speech: noun
  • direction; orientation (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) fong1hoeng3zing3kok3
    (Eng.) in the right direction
    (Cant.) hai2sam1lam4hou2ji6mai4sat1fong1hoeng3
    (Eng.) It's easy to lose direction in forest.

  • general aim or purpose
    (Cant.) cing1siu3nin4jung4ji3mai4sat1fong1hoeng3ng6jap6kei4tou4
    (Eng.) Young people can easily lose their way and go astray.
    (Cant.) gam1jat6hoi1wui2zau6hai6gong2haa5ni1nin4gung1si1ge3faat3zin2fong1hoeng3
    (Eng.) Today's meeting is about the direction of the company's development in the coming year.

See also: refer 指揮 吩咐 東方 定向 為本 來路 出發點 十字路口 思路 投石問路 正線 目的地 路向 路徑 路線圖 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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