
Entry #1
Pronunciation: kwong3 cung1 kwok3 cung1
Character Meaning:
to expand; to enlarge; to extend
in place of; in acting capacity; full; sufficient; to fill; to charge; to pretend to be; to pose as; to fake
Part of Speech: verb
to expand; to augment
(Cant.) kwong3cung1gaau3mou6daai6lau4
(Eng.) to expand the Academic Building
(Cant.) kwong3cung1kwai1mou4
(Eng.) to expand the scale / scope
See also: 延伸 展 壯大 擴張 催生 擴大 招兵買馬 推而廣之 推陳出新 擴大 擴容 擴展 擴張 改頭換面 縮減 開源節流 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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