
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zip3
Part of Speech: verb
  • to fold; to bend
    (Cant.) zip3zi2
    (Eng.) to fold paper
    (Cant.) zip3pei5
    (Eng.) to fold a blanket
    (Cant.) deoi3zip3
    (Eng.) to fold in half

  • to create an origami piece
    (Cant.) zip3fei1gei1
    (Eng.) to fold a paper plane
    (Cant.) zip3元寶jyun4 bou2
    (Eng.) to fold an origami sycee

  • to stop; to fold; to end
    (Cant.) gaan1pou3tau2zip3zo2laa3
    (Eng.) The shop has folded.
    (Cant.) keoi5taan4je5zip3zo2laa1dou1wai4m4dou2pei2
    (Eng.) His business folded — couldn't manage to break even.
    (Cant.) ni1di1fo3cing4mou5jan4duk6gaa3laa3zip3zo2keoi5hou2gwo3laa1
    (Eng.) People are not interested in such courses. It'd be better to cancel them.

  • to stay in a particular place for a while
    (Cant.) zip3lablep1
    (Eng.) to stay in the laboratory all the time
    (Cant.) zip3宿suk1
    (Eng.) to stay in the dormitory all the time
    (Cant.) 摺拉zip3 laai1
    (Eng.) to stay in the library for a certain period of time

See also: 折疊 拗彎 停留 逗 救
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: zip3
Part of Speech: adjective
not socially active; not proactive when it comes to social events
(Cant.) m4hou2gam3zip3laa1jat1cai4waan2laa1
(Eng.) Let's have fun together. Don't be so aloof.
(Cant.) keoi5hou2zip3so2ji5mai6mou5pang4jau5
(Eng.) He doesn't have any friends because he doesn't socialise.
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: zip3
Part of Speech: morpheme
book or booklet used for record-keeping, etc.
(Cant.) 存摺cyun4 zip3
(Eng.) passbook
(Cant.) zau3zip3
(Eng.) memorial to the throne
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License