
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ziu1 fu1
Character Meaning:
provoke; method; move; blow; master blow; trick; hoax; to attract sth bad; to incur; to court; to beckon; to wave; to recruit; to enlist; to confess
breathe out; to yell; to cry out; to exhale; to address
Part of Speech: noun
hello; greeting (measure word: 句 / 聲 / 個)
(Cant.) 打招呼daa2 ziu1 fu1
(Eng.) to say hello; to greet
(Cant.) ngo5gwo3heoi3go2zoeng1toi2tung4go3pang4jau5daa2seng1ziu1fu1sin1
(Eng.) Let me go and say hello to the friend at that table.
(Cant.) jing1jat6hon4taai3ge3gaan2daan1ziu1fu1dou1naan4m4dou2dou6jau4
(Eng.) Simple greetings in English, Japanese, Korean and Thai cause the tour guide no difficulty.
See also: 打招呼 你好 hello 歡迎 迎接 嗌人 叫人 交頭接耳 彬彬有禮 打攪 招待 盛意拳拳 禮尚往來 笑容可掬 粗聲粗氣 見面禮 閒話家常 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: ziu1 fu1
Character Meaning:
provoke; method; move; blow; master blow; trick; hoax; to attract sth bad; to incur; to court; to beckon; to wave; to recruit; to enlist; to confess
breathe out; to yell; to cry out; to exhale; to address
Part of Speech: verb
to entertain; to serve (the guests)
(Cant.) 招呼唔到ziu1 fu1 m4 dou3
(Eng.) cannot provide good hospitality, a polite expression used by the host
(Cant.) keoi5zing2zo2di1gaan2daan1je5sik6ziu1fu1pang4jau5
(Eng.) He made some simple food to serve his friends.
See also: 招待 娛樂 侍奉 開波 服務 交頭接耳 彬彬有禮 打攪 招待 盛意拳拳 禮尚往來 笑容可掬 粗聲粗氣 見面禮 閒話家常 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License