
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sau2 caan4
Character Meaning:
hand; forelimb; lot
disabled; in disrepair; looking old; shabby; looking tired; flawed; incomplete; to destroy; to savage; to harm; cruel; ferocious; brutal
Part of Speech: adjective
Labels: Slang
clumsy; unskillful with hands
(Cant.) ngo5sau2caan4gaa1lou6ci1hok6ce1mai5gaau2ngo5
(Eng.) I'm clumsy and get lost easily. Don't ask me to learn driving.
(Cant.) ngo5daa2zi6sau2caan4zi2hai6sik1jung6loeng5zek3sau2zi2duk1
(Eng.) I am very bad at typing. I only know how to use two fingers to hunt and peck.
See also: 揦手 笨拙 漏bou 雞手鴨腳 外行 七手八腳 手寫板 手無縛雞之力 手襪 手鬆 殺雞焉用牛刀 油頭粉面 瑞士軍刀 血流如注 雙節棍 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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