
Entry #1
Pronunciation: uk1
Part of Speech: noun
house; residential building; in Hong Kong, individual apartments within a building are also referred to as 屋 (measure word: 間)
(Cant.) 搬屋bun1 uk1
(Eng.) to move house; to relocate; to move to another residence
(Cant.) 屋契uk1 kai3
(Eng.) deed
(Cant.) 屋頂uk1 deng2
(Eng.) roof
(Cant.) 村屋cyun1 uk1
(Eng.) village house
(Cant.) 木屋muk6 uk1
(Eng.) wooden shack; wooden home
(Cant.) 獨立屋duk6 laap6 uk1
(Eng.) detached house; stand-alone house
(Cant.) 餓死老婆瘟臭屋ngo6 sei2 lou5 po4 wan1 cau3 uk1
(Eng.) to describe a man being too poor to support his wife; literally: to starve one's wife to death and stink the house out
(Cant.) ni1gaan1uk1hou2gwong1maang5gaa3jat1ceot1teng1zau6jau5lou6toi4
(Eng.) This apartment has good sunlight. The balcony is just outside the living room.
See also: 房子 舍 閣 樓宇 民居 住址
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