
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cam4 soeng4
Character Meaning:
to search for; to look for; seek
often; frequently; usually; regular; usual; habitual; frequent; constant; invariable; common; ordinary; normal; standard
Part of Speech: adjective
usual; common; ordinary; normal (usually used in negations)
(Cant.) 非比尋常fei1 bei2 cam4 soeng4
(Eng.) not comparable with normal standards; extraordinary; out of ordinary
(Cant.) gam3do1jyu2zeoi6zaap6hai2tung4jat1go3dei6fong1hai6hou2m4cam4soeng4
(Eng.) It's very unusual for so many fish crowd at a single place.
See also: 一般 共同 普通 common 平凡 不足為奇 常態 平平無奇 不可思議 似曾相識 動魄驚心 喜怒無常 完全變態 平常 理所當然 耐人尋味 驚世駭俗 高深莫測 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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