
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bou3 jing3
Character Meaning:
to report; newspaper; report; announcement; periodical; journal; to announce; to report (a news); to publicise; to apply; to sign up; to respond; to reply
should; respond; ought to; to answer; to respond; to act against; to echo; fully accurate; completely fit; exact
Part of Speech: noun
punishment one gets for doing evil things; divine retribution; bad karma
(Cant.) nei5zou6maai4gam3do1seoi1je5nei5jan1zyu6jau5bou3jing3aa3
(Eng.) You've done so many evil things; you'd better beware of karma!
See also: 因果 不得好死 天譴 幸災樂禍 惡報 惡有惡報 所託非人 死有餘辜 罪有應得 自作自受 自食其果 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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