
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jan1 gwo2
Character Meaning:
cause; reason; because of; as a result of; in accordance with; on the basis of; to estimate
fruit; result; consequence; outcome
Part of Speech: noun
  • cause and effect
    (Cant.) jiu3zing3ming4ji4faan2mau6saat3sau2sin1jiu3zing3ming4sau6hoi6jan4ge3sei2tung4ji4faan2ge3hang4dung6jau5jan1gwo2gwaan1hai6
    (Eng.) To prove murder, it must be first proved that there is a causal relation between the suspect's actions and the victim's death.

  • (Buddism) Karma
    (Cant.) m4hou2soeng1hoi6di1siu2dung6mat6ni1go3sai3gaai3hai6jau5jan1gwo2siu2sam1jau5bou3jing3
    (Eng.) Don't hurt small animals. Do believe in Karma. There will be consequences.

See also: 報應 不可抗力 前因後果 因由 因緣 循環論證 是非題 永恆不變 環環相扣 穿鑿附會 蝴蝶效應 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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