
Entry #1
Pronunciation: aam1 ngaam1
Part of Speech: adjective
  • correct; right
    (Cant.) gam2zou6ngaam1m4ngaam1aa3
    (Eng.) Is this way of doing it correct?
    (Cant.) fan6gyun2dai6jat1tai4mou5jan4zou6dak1ngaam1
    (Eng.) No one can answer the first question of the paper.
    (Cant.) nei5gai3dak1m4ngaam1wo3
    (Eng.) Your calculation is incorrect.

  • (usually "咁啱" gam3 aam1) coincidental; happened to be
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6gam3ngaam1daap3maai4tung4jat1baan1gei1
    (Eng.) We happened to be on the same flight.

Antonym(s): Antonym(s):
See also: 政治正確 修正 匡 右派 權 正確 湊巧 巧 咁啱得咁蹺 不謀而合
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: aam1 ngaam1
Part of Speech: verb
to suit; to be suitable for; to fit; to be to somebody's liking
(Cant.) ni1fan6gung1hou2ngaam1ngo5
(Eng.) This job suits me really well.
(Cant.) daa2mong5kau4nei5ngaam1m4ngaam1gaa3
(Eng.) Is tennis to your liking?
(Cant.) nei5ngaam1zou6hung1ze2
(Eng.) You are suitable to be a stewardess.
(Cant.) nei1gin6saam1m4ngaam1zoek6
(Eng.) This top is not suitable for me.
(Cant.) wong4sik1zau6ngaam1ngo5sam1seoi2laa3
(Eng.) Yellow is my preference.
See also: 順意 切合 適合 健康 四四正正
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License