「囉 / 咯」

Entry #1
  • lo3
  • lo3
  • lo3
Part of Speech: particle
  • an alternative pronunciation for the particle laa3 before the particles wo3, bo3 or ho2
    (Cant.) hou2lo3wo3
    (Eng.) Enough is enough!

  • used to express judgement of whether something is good or bad, when one comes to know of it
    (Cant.) hou2lo3zou6jyun4laa3
    (Eng.) Great, you've completed it.
    (Cant.) bai6lo3m4gin3saai3di1je5
    (Eng.) That must be terrible, having lost everything.
    (Cant.) gam3do1hou2je5sik6hoi1sam1sei2keoi5lo3
    (Eng.) There's so much good food. He'll be thrilled to death.
    (Cant.) goi1wui1lo3
    (Eng.) How terrible!

  • used to state what the speaker believes is obvious after a change in circumstances
    (Cant.) m4jiu3lo3ngo5hou2baau2laa3
    (Eng.) No more for me. I'm full.
    (Cant.) zau2lo3zoi3m4zau2zau6mou5ce1laa3
    (Eng.) I'm / We're leaving now. Otherwise I'll / we'll miss the last bus / train / minibus / tram.

  • "shall we"; used to gently suggest doing something together
    (Cant.) lok6gaai1haang4haa5lo3
    (Eng.) Shall we go out for a walk?
    (Cant.) hoi1ci2lo3
    (Eng.) Shall we begin?

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Entry #2
Pronunciation: lok3
Part of Speech: particle
  • I said; it was said that; you (the hearer) should have already understood; used at the end of an utterance when repeating an earlier quote; also suggests that the speaker is impatient
    (Cant.) dou1waa6m4jiu3lok3
    (Eng.) I said I don't need it.

  • used to refute; usually with the adverb gau3
    (Cant.) zoeng2bui1zi1maa3ngo5gau3jau5lok3
    (Eng.) Trophies? Oh, come on, I've got some too.
    (Cant.) nei5waa6ngo5ceon2coi4ngo5gau3waa6nei5baak6ci1lok3
    (Eng.) You say I'm a fool? I say you're an idiot.
    (Cant.) ngo5gau3hai6keoi5tung4hok6lok3jau6m4gin3keoi5gam3hou2sam1gei1gaau3ngo5
    (Eng.) I'm her classmate too, but why doesn't she teach me that wholeheartedly?

  • so, therefore
    (Cant.) ngo5gin3go3go3dou1mei6zau2lok3ngo5mai6gai3zuk6zou6je5lo1
    (Eng.) Everyone was still there, so I continued to work.

See also: 反駁
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