
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mai6
Part of Speech: adverb
  • used in conjunction with an utterance-final lo1 to spell out something that is obvious in a questioning manner; often translated into tag questions or rhetorical questions in English
    (Cant.) keoi5mai6syu1zo2lo1
    (Eng.) He's lost, hasn't he!
    (Cant.) tiu4so2si4ngo5mai6bei2zo2nei5lo1
    (Eng.) I've given you the key, haven't I?

  • then; used in conjunction with an utterance-final lo1 or rising intonation to connect a conditional and a result or suggestion
    (Cant.) nei5zung1ji3mai6lo2heoi3lo1
    (Eng.) If you like it, then you can have it.
    (Cant.) zou6mat1jiu3zyun1dang1gwo3lai4ze1daa2go3din6waa2mai6dak1lo1
    (Eng.) Why bother coming over? You could just ring me, couldn't you?
    (Cant.) laan6zo2mai6mou5dak1jung6
    (Eng.) If it is broken, we won't able to use it anymore, right?

  • if it is followed and preceded by the same verb phrase, it means the speaker does not care about the consequence of the event
    (Cant.) fat6cin2mai6fat6cin2
    (Eng.) Penalty? I don't care!

See also: 接着 嗰陣 當時 然之後 然後
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: mai1
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Loanword
mic; microphone (measure word: 支)
(Cant.) 爆咪baau3 mai1
(Eng.) audio clipping
(Cant.) 咪架mai1 gaa2
(Eng.) mic stand
(Cant.) mai1soeng1
(Eng.) mic box
(Cant.) coeng2mai1daap3man6tai4jau5gei2faai3dak1gam3faai3zi1mou2
(Eng.) Grabbing the mic, answer the questions as quickly as you can. Got it?
See also: 咪架 咪高峰
Copyrights:© 2019 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: mai5
Part of Speech: verb
don't; added in front of a verb to form a negative command
(Cant.) nei5mai5zoi3gan1zyu6ngo5aa3ngo5bou3ging2gaa3
(Eng.) Don't follow me anymore, or I will call the police.
(Cant.) mai5juk1geoi2gou1soeng1sau2
(Eng.) Don't move! Put your hands up!
(Cant.) mai5teng1keoi5gong2aa3keoi5soeng2jiu3nei5di1cin2zaa3
(Eng.) Don't listen to her! She only wants your money!
See also: 唔好
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: mai1
Part of Speech: verb
to study something hard
(Cant.) 咪馬經mai1 maa5 ging1
(Eng.) to study horse racing information
(Cant.) hok6saang1go1hou2咪書mai1 syu1lo3mai5jat6jat6gwaa3zyu6paak3to1
(Eng.) Hey students. You should study now. Don't spend too much time on dating.
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #5
Pronunciation: mai1
Part of Speech: quantifier
previously referred to a mile (1.609344 kilometers) but currently to kilometres per hour or kilometres on a milestone; it is a transliteration of "mile" in English; in the old days of the imperial system, miles were used as a unit, so when driving a car, 咪 mai1 was used as a unit of speed; this has since changed, with cars and road signs now using kilometres, however everyone continues to use 咪 mai1 out of habit
(Cant.) waa3nei5hoi1dou3seng4baat3sap6mai1gam3faai3aa4siu2sam1bei2jan4jing2faai3soeng2aa3
(Eng.) Wow, you are driving at 80 km per hour, beware you will get caught by the police cameras.
(Cant.) cing1saan1gung1lou618sap6 baat3 jau6 sei3 fan6¾saam1mai1gau6gaa3fe1waan1wing6taan1
(Eng.) Cafeteria Old Beach, 18¾ Milestone, Castle Peak Road
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