
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hau2 seoi2 mei1
Character Meaning:
mouth; opening; entrance; cut; hole; gash
water; soup; beverage; liquids in general; body of water
tail; last; final; end; remaining part
Part of Speech: noun
  • food that has been eaten by others or touched by their cutlery; literally: rear end of saliva
    (Cant.) sik6jan4hau2seoi2mei1
    (Eng.) to eat someone else's leftovers

  • something that has been said before
    (Cant.) m4hou2執人口水尾zap1 jan4 hau2 seoi2 mei1bei2di1zi6gei2ge3ji3gin3
    (Eng.) Don't just parrot what others say. Give me your own opinion.

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