
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zik1 zoeng1
Character Meaning:
immediately; namely; to be; to mean; at once; to start; instantly; in no time
to take; military general; about to; going to; soon; general; sportsperson; future; near future
Part of Speech: adverb
about to; soon; in no time
(Cant.) biu2jin2zit3muk6zik1zoeng1hoi1ci2
(Eng.) The performance is about to begin.
Synonym: Synonym: 將會 就嚟
See also: 轉頭 不一會 不久 勢在必行 在即 將要 已成定局 後會有期 指日可待 率先 與此同時 轉眼間 隨後 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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