
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zeot1
Part of Speech: noun
  • soldier; private; figuratively, underling or subordinate (measure word: 隻)
    (Cant.) 卒仔zeot1 zai2
    (Eng.) lackey; underling
    (Cant.) 揀卒gaan2 zeot1
    (Eng.) to select the right person (for a task)

  • soldier in Chinese chess (measure word: 隻)
    (Cant.) zeot1gwo3zo2ho4ho2ji5daa2waang4haang4
    (Eng.) Once the soldier crosses the river in Chinese Chess, it can move horizontally.

See also: 士兵 士卒 軍人 戰士 暗自 枱底 私下 秘 私家
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: zeot1
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Mandarin
(of people) to die
(Cant.) sang1zeot1nin4bat1coeng4
(Eng.) years of birth and death uncertain
(Cant.) sang1jyu11930jat1 gau2 saam1 ling4nin4zeot1jyu12000ji6 ling4 ling4 ling4nin4
(Eng.) Born in 1930, died in 2000.
See also: 逝世 去世 投胎 一命嗚呼 瓜老襯 玩完 釘 冚旗 死
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License