
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baau1 jung4
Character Meaning:
to wrap; bag; package; pack; packet; to pack up; to wrap up; to surround; to enclose; to guarantee; to assure; to hire exclusively; to charter; to include; to contain
to let sby to; to allow sby to
Part of Speech: verb
to pardon; to condone and accept
(Cant.) fu1cai1zi1gaan1hai6jing1goi1wu6soeng1baau1jung4deoi3fong1ge3kyut3dim2ge3
(Eng.) Spouses should accept each other's shortcomings.
See also: 包涵 赦免 赦 容許 大赦 容忍 縱容 一視同仁 同理心 和平共處 和而不同 大愛 寬容 推己及人 求同存異 諒解 體諒 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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