
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baau1 haam4
Character Meaning:
to wrap; bag; package; pack; packet; to pack up; to wrap up; to surround; to enclose; to guarantee; to assure; to hire exclusively; to charter; to include; to contain
to contain
Part of Speech: verb
(polite) to forgive; to excuse; to pardon
(Cant.) ngo5zi1lik6soeng6cin2cing2do1do1baau1haam4
(Eng.) Please excuse me for my lack of experience.
See also: 原諒 諒 貸 免除 赦免 包容 容許 大赦 多多指教 多多益善 承上啓下 拋磚引玉 有志者事竟成 條條大路通羅馬 誠徵 錯落有致 隨緣樂助 願聞其詳 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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