
Entry #1
Pronunciation: co1
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • early; the beginning of
    (Cant.) sap6jyut6co1
    (Eng.) early October
    (Cant.) soeng6sai3gei2co1
    (Eng.) the beginning of the last century

  • for the first time
    (Cant.) 初犯co1 faan6
    (Eng.) first offence
    (Cant.) 初次co1 ci3
    (Eng.) the first time

  • just beginning to; just happened
    (Cant.) #大病初癒daai6 beng6 co1 jyu6
    (Eng.) have just recovered from a serious illness
    (Cant.) co1sang1jing1ji4
    (Eng.) new born baby

  • elementary; junior
    (Cant.) 初級co1 kap1
    (Eng.) junior grade
    (Cant.) #初班co1 baan1
    (Eng.) elementary class

See also: 早期 首度 乍
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: co1
Part of Speech: affix
a prefix before numerals one to ten, to indicate the first ten days in a month in the lunar calendar
(Cant.) 初一co1 jat1
(Eng.) the first day of a month in the lunar calendar
(Cant.) 年初一nin4 co1 jat1
(Eng.) first day of the Lunar New Year
(Cant.) gau2jyut6co1gau2hai6cung4joeng4zit3
(Eng.) Chung Yeung Festival is on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month.
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License