
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gung1 hoi1
Character Meaning:
public; shared; governmental; (of animals) male; obverse; mother's father; old man
to open; away from; to spread; to enlarge; outside; on the outer side; away; elsewhere; to bloom; to commence; to unlock; to hold (an event); to start up; to turn on; to shoot; to issue; to dispense; to discover; to explore; to expose; to release a result; to reveal; to cut into pieces; to divide; times
Part of Speech: verb
to open something to the public
(Cant.) gung1hoi1lyun2cing4
(Eng.) to go public with one's relationship
See also: 不盡不實 公之於世 公事公辦 公諸於世 引咎辭職 指名道姓 有關 現身説法 記者招待會 開示 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: gung1 hoi1
Character Meaning:
public; shared; governmental; (of animals) male; obverse; mother's father; old man
to open; away from; to spread; to enlarge; outside; on the outer side; away; elsewhere; to bloom; to commence; to unlock; to hold (an event); to start up; to turn on; to shoot; to issue; to dispense; to discover; to explore; to expose; to release a result; to reveal; to cut into pieces; to divide; times
Part of Speech: adjective
public; open; transparent
(Cant.) syun2geoi2jing1goi1gung1ping4gung1hoi1gung1zing3
(Eng.) Elections should be conducted in a fair, open and just manner
Synonym: Synonym: 透明
See also: 公眾 公共 公有 公用 開闢 開門 打開 清澈 透明 宣傳 公佈 出街 不盡不實 公之於世 公事公辦 公諸於世 引咎辭職 指名道姓 有關 現身説法 記者招待會 開示 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License