
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sau1 bou2
Character Meaning:
to mend; to study knowledge; to practise a skill; to repair; to renovate; to correct; to revise; to amend; to study a subject; to take credits; to trim; to prune
to mend; to repair; to fill; to supply; to make up for; to tutor; belatedly
Part of Speech: verb
to repair; to patch up; to mend
(Cant.) sau1bou2ji1fuk6
(Eng.) to patch up clothes
(Cant.) sau1bou2daai6gaa1ge3gwaan1hai6
(Eng.) to mend our relations
See also: 彌 修 修理 維修 補𤶸 補掩 修好 修復 修護 對症下藥 彌補 撥亂反正 添補 癒合 補救 重修舊好 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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