
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bou2
Part of Speech: verb
  • to mend; to repair
    (Cant.) 補鞋bou2 haai4
    (Eng.) to mend a shoe
    (Cant.) go3doi2穿cyun1zo2go3窿lung1ho2m4ho2ji5bong1ngo5bou2jat1bou2aa3
    (Eng.) There is a hole in the pocket. Can you please mend it for me?

  • to fill; to supply; to make up for
    (Cant.) 多除少補do1 ceoi4 siu2 bou2
    (Eng.) surplus money will be returned and any shortfall will have to be made up
    (Cant.) nei5jiu3hai2ni1go3sing1kei4zi1noi6bou2faan1di1man4gin2bei2ngo5dei6
    (Eng.) You have to supply the missing documents to us within this week.
    (Cant.) go3hung1kyut3ji5ging1jau5jan4bou2soeng5
    (Eng.) The vacancy has already been filled.
    (Cant.) nei5deoi3keoi5gam3seoi1zou6mat1dou1bou2m4faan1laa1
    (Eng.) You've been so bad to her - there's nothing you can do to make up for the way you've treated her.

  • to nourish one's body; to be good for, used especially for Chinese medicine
    (Cant.) ni1di1tong1bou2fai3gaa3
    (Eng.) This soup helps nourish your lungs.

  • to tutor
    (Cant.) zing1bou2sou3hok6
    (Eng.) specialised in tutoring maths
    (Cant.) bou2cyun4fo1
    (Eng.) to have private tuition for all subjects
    (Cant.) ngo5bong1gan2jat1go3hok6saang1bou2sou3hok6tung4jing1man2
    (Eng.) I'm tutoring a student in mathematics and English.
    (Cant.) ngo5hai2bou2zaap6se5bou2zung1man2
    (Eng.) I am being tutored Chinese at a tutoring centre.

See also: 修補 維修 彌 修 修理 充 填 填補 供應 供給 補償 彌補
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: bou2
Part of Speech: adjective
(of food) nourishing
(Cant.) ni1zek3tong1hou2bou2gaa3
(Eng.) This soup is very nourishing.
See also: 滋補 補身 滋潤 保養
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License