
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gon1 zeng6
Character Meaning:
dry; in a dry manner; to dry; to dehydrate; dried; preserved; desiccated
net; pure; only; clean; to remain; to be left
Part of Speech: adjective
  • clean; free from rubbish, dirt or stain
    (Cant.) gaan1uk1daa2sou3dak1hou2gon1zeng6
    (Eng.) The house is kept clean and tidy.
    (Cant.) ni1dou6jyun4cyun4mou5laap6saap3tung2daan6hai6dou6dou6dou1gam3gon1zeng6
    (Eng.) There is no rubbish bin at all, but the place is very clean.

  • clean; hygienic; uncontamined
    (Cant.) di1je5sik6gon1m4gon1zeng6gaa3
    (Eng.) Is the food clean and safe here?
    (Cant.) ni1go3soeng1coeng4go3ci3so2hou2gon1zeng6wo3
    (Eng.) Lavatories in this shopping mall are clean and hygienic.

  • clean, as in not related to illegal or immoral causes
    (Cant.) 手腳乾淨sau2 goek3 gon1 zeng6
    (Eng.) a phrase used to describe people who will not steal even when tempted; literally, hands and feet are clean
    (Cant.) di1cin2gon1m4gon1zeng6gaa3
    (Eng.) Is the money clean, not related to anything illegal?

  • not leaving a trace after committing a crime
    (Cant.) fong3sam1keoi5zou6je5hou2gon1zeng6ge3
    (Eng.) Don't worry. He never leaves a trace.

Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 污糟
See also: 清洗 洗滌 打掃 衞生 一塵不染 乾水 乾洗 乾爽 整潔 晾乾 污糟 洗濯 洗身 濕淋淋 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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