
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bat1 jiu3 gan2
Character Meaning:
no; negator; not
to want; important; crucial; is going to; to demand; to desire; to need; to ask; to be determined to; should
tight; -ing (continuous); (rarely used) fast; strict; tense; stretched; not relaxed
Part of Speech: expression
Labels: Mandarin
not important; do not matter; nevermind
(Chi.) bat1jiu3gan2maan6maan6loi4
(Cant.) m4gan2jiu3maan6maan2lai4
(Eng.) It's fine, take it slow.
See also: 唔緊要 算了 不打緊 唔緊要 冇所謂 不悦 不打緊 不瞅不睬 不請自來 你推我讓 僅此而已 對不起 無話可説 無論如何 要不然 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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