「過龍 / 過籠」

Entry #1
  • 過龍 gwo3 lung4
  • 過籠 gwo3 lung4
Character Meaning:
to pass; to cross; to transfer; to surpass; to pass a place; to exceed; over again; anew; than
dragon; the goalpost; the goalkeeper; long queue
Part of Speech: verb
to go beyond expectations; to overdo something; to "go too far"; to do something to excess
(Cant.) sing2gwo3lung4
(Eng.) too (worldly-)wise; smartass
(Cant.) hou2sam1gwo3lung4
(Eng.) to have a bad outcome out of a good intention
(Cant.) 眼大睇過龍ngaan5 daai6 tai2 gwo3 lung4
(Eng.) to overlook something obvious
(Cant.) ai1aa3瞓過龍fan3 gwo3 lung4aa3
(Eng.) Oh gosh, (I) overslept!
(Cant.) ceoi1seoi2ceoi1dou3gwo3saai3lung4caa1di1ci4daai6dou3
(Eng.) I chitchatted with others too much, I was almost pretty late!
(Cant.) fo2lik6m4hou2gwo3lung4m4hai6zau6wui5zyu2nung1
(Eng.) The heat power should not be too high. Otherwise it will be over-burnt.
(Cant.) ngo5dei6hai6mai6jing1goi1faan2sing2haa5ngo5dei6gam2zou6gau3ging2hai6mai6gwo3zo2lung4ne1
(Eng.) Should we think twice about whether we really did too far?
See also: 得寸進尺 過火位 過界 適可而止 一貧如洗 棺材板 油頭粉面 生米煮成熟飯 生龍活虎 翻箱倒籠 聞名不如見面 虎背熊腰 賊眉賊眼 過三關 過底 過河拆橋 過籠 過鬼 過龍 雀籠 龍精虎猛 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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