「屌 / 𨳒」

Entry #1
  • diu2
  • 𨳒 diu2
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Vulgar
  • to have sexual intercourse, including penetration of the vagina, mouth and anus; the subject is often the one doing the penetration
    (Cant.) ngo5jau5bei2nei5diu2gaa3
    (Eng.) I did let you have sex with me!

  • to admonish; to scold; to reprimand
    (Cant.) 百屌成材baak3 diu2 sing4 coi4
    (Eng.) becoming a better person through harsh criticism
    (Cant.) 抵屌dai2 diu2
    (Eng.) deserving of criticism
    (Cant.) gam1ci3sat6bei2lou5baan2diu2wok6gam1
    (Eng.) I'm going to be scolded badly by my boss.
    (Cant.) m4hou2diu2keoi5laa1
    (Eng.) Stop giving him a hard time.

  • to do; to consume (food or drink); to buy
    (Cant.) diu2man2
    (Eng.) to work on an essay
    (Cant.) diu2teati1
    (Eng.) to have afternoon tea
    (Cant.) 抵屌dai2 diu2
    (Eng.) good bang for the buck

  • to pay attention to; to respond to
    (Cant.) m4hou2diu2keoi5laa1
    (Eng.) Stop giving him attention.

See also: 責備 斥責 譴責 告誡 訓斥 規勸 訓話 忠告 消費 消耗 食用 沾 耗損
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License

「屌 / 𨳒」

Entry #2
  • diu2
  • 𨳒 diu2
Part of Speech: interjection
Labels: Vulgar
  • equivalent to the expletive "fuck"
    (Cant.) diu2keoi5jau6syu1bo1laa3
    (Eng.) Fuck! He has just lost another football match!

  • to express helplessness and disappointment
    (Cant.) aai1diu2
    (Eng.) Sigh, screw it.
    (Cant.) diu2gam2dou1m4zung3
    (Eng.) Damn... how could that be a miss?!

  • to express unpleasant surprise
    (Cant.) jau6zou6mat1lan2je5aa3diu2
    (Eng.) What the fuck are you doing?!
    (Cant.) waa3diu2gam1jat6hang4zi2dit3zo28baat3 pat6 sen1%aa3
    (Eng.) Shit, the Hang Seng Index dropped by a whopping 8% today!

Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License