「咓 / 呀」

Entry #1
  • aa5
  • aa5
  • 呀嘛 aa6 maa5
  • maa5
Part of Speech: particle
  • used at the end of sentence to express that the speaker "got the message" or has realised something, and to seek confirmation by repeating the information
    (Cant.) ni1bun2syu1nei5zung1ji3aa5ngo5sung3bei2nei5laa1
    (Eng.) You like this book, don't you? Let me give it to you as a gift.
    (Cant.) o5keoi5m4zing1san4aa5jau2dak1keoi5lo1
    (Eng.) Oh, he doesn't feel well, does he? Leave him alone then.

  • to express a questioning attitude at the end of an utterance when correcting someone
    (Cant.) ni1dou6zung2sou3hai6jat1baak3man1aa6maa5
    (Eng.) It should be $100 in total, shouldn't it?

  • used at the end of sentence to confirm whether the worst-case scenario has happened; usually used with negative sentences
    (Cant.) keoi5m4hai6maai5maan6lyun4gam3so4zai2aa5
    (Eng.) He can't be so silly to bet on the Man-U!
    (Cant.) nei5m4wui5mou5daai3dou3ngan4baau1aa5
    (Eng.) You've got your wallet with you, right?
    (Cant.) zou6mat1gam3m4hoi1sam1aa3gam1jat6lam3si5nei5m4hai6jau5fo3hai2sau2aa5
    (Eng.) Why the long face? The stock market crashed today. I hope you don't have any stocks?
    (Cant.) m4hai6aa6maa5nei5gong2zan1gaa4
    (Eng.) Are you kidding? Are you telling the truth?
    (Cant.) nei5mou5je5maa5
    (Eng.) Are you really okay?! (intended reading: What's wrong with you?!)

  • can be used in combination with other particles to form composite particles
    (Cant.) 𠿪gaa5; gaa6㗎嘛maa5
    (Cant.) zaa5; zaa6咋嘛maa5
    (Cant.) naa5; naa6#哪嘛maa5

Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License

「呀 / 啊」

Entry #2
  • aa3
  • aa3
Part of Speech: particle
  • used at the end of a response to signal that the utterance reflects the speaker's knowledge, view or feeling (this can be seen as the default particle if no other intonation or final particle is more appropriate)
    (Cant.) m4zi1aa3
    (Eng.) I have no idea.
    (Cant.) ngaam1aa3
    (Eng.) Correct.
    (Cant.) ngo5maai5zo2bou6soeng2gei1aa3
    (Eng.) I've bought a camera.
    (Cant.) m4hai6aa3nei5daap3co3ce1laa3
    (Eng.) Not really so. You've taken the wrong vehicle.
    (Cant.) ngo5mou5waa6gwo3m4tung4ji3nei5gong2ge3je5aa3
    (Eng.) I didn't say I disagree with what you said.
    (Cant.) ngo5mou5gwaai3keoi5aa3
    (Eng.) I didn't blame him.
    (Cant.) tou3hei3zan1hai6hou2zeng3aa3
    (Eng.) The movie is so exciting!

  • used at the end of the utterance for plain questions
    (Cant.) tiu4kwan4leng3m4leng3aa3
    (Eng.) Does this dress look good?
    (Cant.) nei5hai6mai6m4syu1fuk6aa3
    (Eng.) Are you feeling unwell?
    (Cant.) dim2gaai2keoi5zi6saat3aa3
    (Eng.) Why did he commit suicide?
    (Cant.) me1si6aa3
    (Eng.) What's the matter?
    (Cant.) ji4gaa1gei2dim2aa3
    (Eng.) What time is it now?

  • used as an enumeration marker, added to the end of each item
    (Cant.) gaa3fe1aa3naai5caa4aa3ling2caa4aa3jat1bun1ge3jam2ban2ngo5dei6dou1jau5
    (Eng.) Coffee, milk tea, lemon tea, etc. We serve all these common drinks here.
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6dou1hai6haang4gaai1aa3sik6faan6aa3tai2hei3aa3gam2lo1
    (Eng.) We go shopping, have meals, watch movies... things like that.

  • used to express annoyance when pronounced in an elongated way
    (Cant.) nei5aa3tung4ngo5zou6saai3di1je5aa3
    (Eng.) Hey you. Finish everything for me, okay?
    (Cant.) zung6jau5aa3m4hou2zoi3gan1zyu6ngo5aa3
    (Eng.) Oh by the way, don't follow me anymore.

Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: aa4
Part of Speech: particle
  • used to change a statement into a question to ask for confirmation
    (Cant.) mat1m4hai6keoi5aa4
    (Eng.) Oh, it's not him?
    (Cant.) nei5sik6gan2faan6aa4
    (Eng.) Are you having your dinner?
    (Cant.) gam2aa4ting1jat6sin1syun3lo1
    (Eng.) If that's really so, let's leave it until tomorrow.
    (Cant.) go4go1aa4ngo5soeng2man6nei5ni1go3zi6hai6mai6gam2se2
    (Eng.) (Older) brother? I want to ask you if this character is written in this way.

  • used with the adverb (even) to express helplessness
    (Cant.) keoi5dou1m4heoi3aa4
    (Eng.) Even he is not going.
    (Cant.) ngo5dou1m4zi1keoi5zyu6hai2bin1aa4
    (Eng.) I don't even know where he lives.

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