
Entry #1
Pronunciation: coe2
Part of Speech: verb
  • to exhaust; to exploit
    (Cant.) churcoe2dou3zeon6
    (Eng.) to exploit something until depletion

  • to devote; to spare no effort wholeheartedly
    (Cant.) nei5dang2ngo5churcoe2dim6loeng5pin1paperpei1 paa4sin1ting1jat6jiu3gaau1aa3
    (Eng.) Can you let me finish my two papers - they're due tomorrow.

  • to bombard someone with questions or requests
    (Cant.) gam1jat6lou5sai3cyun4jat6hai2dou6churcoe2ngo5ngo5lin4faan6dou1mei6jau5dak1sik6aa3
    (Eng.) My boss kept bombarding me with requests. I don't even have time for lunch!
    (Cant.) ngo5tiu4neoi2seng4jat6churcoe2ngo5maan5maan5m4king1dou3jat1dim2dou1m4bei2ngo5sau1sin3
    (Eng.) My girlfriend is so needy, and she calls me every night and won't let me hang up until one o'clock.

  • to take a pull (of cigarette, weed, etc.); to inhale during smoking
    (Cant.) churcoe2faan1daam6jin1sin1laa1
    (Eng.) Let's have a cigarette first!

See also: 利用 開採 剝削 榨 壓榨 投注 付出 悉心 貢獻 窮 窮盡
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: coe2
Part of Speech: adjective
demanding; hard to please
(Cant.) ni1fo1hou2churcoe2gaa3nei5zan1hai6soeng2take?tik1
(Eng.) This class is very demanding. Are you sure you want to take it?
(Cant.) ngo5lou5baan2hou2churcoe2gaa3di1je5goi2sap6ci3dou1m4滿mun5ji3
(Eng.) My boss is very demanding. She's like not satisfied with something even after ten revisions.
See also: 眼角高 奄尖 奄尖聲悶 內需 需要 要求
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License