「𠺝 / 格」

Entry #1
  • 𠺝 gaak3
  • gaak3
Part of Speech: particle
  • stronger variant of gaa3 to show full certainty, support or confidence and also to express a connotation that something is undoubtedly as it should be, after negating the presupposition of the other; often used together with gang2, sat6 and 一定 jat1ding6
    (Cant.) nei5sat6bong1zyu6keoi5𠺝gaak3
    (Eng.) You'll definitely favour him.
    (Cant.) jan4zung1seoi1jat1sei2gang2𠺝gaak3
    (Eng.) Men die at last. It must happen.
    (Cant.) heoi3dou2𠺝gaak3haang4gwo3heoi3lo1
    (Eng.) Of course it is accessible - go there on foot.

  • used to repeat the speaker's understanding, and so as to bring out any question, doubt or contrast, when the speaker finds something unusual; often used together with 明明 ming4ming4, 應該 jing1goi1 and 照計 ziu3gai3
    (Cant.) ming4ming4m4hai6gam2joeng2𠺝gaak3
    (Eng.) Apparently it should not have been like that! (implying "Still it comes to be, oh why?")
    (Cant.) ngo5gei3dak1gam2haang4heoi3dou2𠺝gaak3gaau2me1ne1
    (Eng.) As I remember it should be possible to go by this way, what's going on?
    (Cant.) ngo5jau5zau6saai3nei5𠺝gaak3dim2gaai2nei5zung6jiu3heoi3gwan2aa3
    (Eng.) I've done everything for you, so why are you still unfaithful?

  • used in some negation forms to mean that something is no big deal or does not matter
    (Cant.) mou5𠺝gaak3mai6jung6zeon6so2jau5baan6faat3ziu3zou6lo1
    (Eng.) It doesn't matter. Just do it by all means then.
    (Cant.) keoi5daai6nei5zaa1maa3mou5mat1je5𠺝gaak3
    (Eng.) He's scaring you only. That doesn't mean anything.

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