
Entry #1
Pronunciation: maa4 faan4
Character Meaning:
hemp; sesame seed; numb; paralysed; facial pockmark
annoyed; irritated; tired of; to annoy; to trouble; to bother
Part of Speech: adjective
troublesome; bothersome; annoying
(Cant.) 惹麻煩je5 maa4 faan4
(Eng.) to ask for trouble
(Cant.) 嫌麻煩jim4 maa4 faan4
(Eng.) not to want to take the trouble
(Cant.) keoi5hou2maa4faan4giu3ngo5zou6ni1joeng6go2joeng6
(Eng.) He's so annoying, ordering me to do this and that.
See also: 蹺口巉手 茶煲 棘手 漏bou 傷腦筋 困擾 惱人 煩厭 神台貓屎 不勝其煩 你推我讓 吃力不討好 問長問短 多管閒事 好來好去 好逸惡勞 忙中有錯 會錯意 請便 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: maa4 faan4
Character Meaning:
hemp; sesame seed; numb; paralysed; facial pockmark
annoyed; irritated; tired of; to annoy; to trouble; to bother
Part of Speech: verb
to bother; to trouble; figuratively, to ask for someone's favour
(Cant.) ngo5m4soeng2maa4faan4gam3do1jan4
(Eng.) I don't want to bother so many people.
(Cant.) nei5hok6haa5zi6gei2zou6laa1m4hou2seng4jat6maa4faan4jan4
(Eng.) Learn to do this on your own. Do not ask for help all the time.
See also: 打攪 冤 打擾 滋擾 滾攪 驚動 嗻 煩 不勝其煩 你推我讓 吃力不討好 問長問短 多管閒事 好來好去 好逸惡勞 忙中有錯 會錯意 請便 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License