
Entry #1
Pronunciation: seon6 lou6
Character Meaning:
smooth; along; to be subservient; to obey
road; journey; distance; way; means; sequence; line; path
Part of Speech: adjective
  • on the way
    (Cant.) nei5gam1maan5faan1lai4go2si4seon6lou6bong1ngo5maai5di1je5aa1
    (Eng.) Buy something for me on your way back tonight.

  • (of routes) direct; shortest; not roundabout
    (Cant.) jau4ni1dou6heoi3ce1zaam6hou2seon6lou6gaa3zaa3
    (Eng.) It's only a short walk from here to the station.

See also: 路上 半路 途中 街上 refer 指揮 吩咐 指點 下路 兜路 兵分兩路 唔係路 山長水遠 投石問路 熟路 行色匆匆 路痴 順景 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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