
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaak3 lei4
Character Meaning:
at a distance from; to separate; (of time) to pass
spider; sieve; strainer
Part of Speech: noun
neighbouring; adjacent; next to
(Cant.) gaak3lei4toi2
(Eng.) the diners at the next table (literally 'neighbouring table')
(Cant.) gaak3lai4wai2
(Eng.) the person sitting next to you (literally 'neighbouring seat')
(Cant.) 隔籬鄰舍gaak3 lei4 leon3 se5
(Eng.) neighbours
(Cant.) 隔籬飯香gaak3 lei4 faan6 hoeng1
(Eng.) the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
(Cant.) keoi5zyu6hai2ngo5gaak3lei4
(Eng.) He lives next door.
See also: 鄰居 隔籬鄰舍 鄰舍 鄰里 鄰近 鄰邊 鄰近 相鄰 側邊 在旁 旁邊 側邊 傍住 嘈嘈閉 平行四邊形 斜對面 東南西北 烏燈黑火 近住 隔鄰 響度 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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