
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zak1 bin1
Character Meaning:
beside; left or right side; upper or lower side; to lean
side; which; margin; edge; rim; party; opposing groups; "which" or "what"; whom; when).
Part of Speech: noun
next to; beside
(Cant.) siu2ming4co5hai2siu2ling4zak1bin1
(Eng.) Ming sits next to Ling.
(Cant.) ni1go3bui3nong4zak1bin1jau5mong5doi2ho2ji5fong3seoi2zeon1
(Eng.) This backpack has mesh pockets on the sides to put water bottles in.
Synonym: Synonym: 側跟
See also: 相鄰 在旁 隔籬 旁邊 側跟 身旁 同時 之餘 並且 之外 下一個 對落 上邊 依邊 出邊 前邊 右手邊 左手邊 斜對面 斜面 正中間 飛邊 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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