
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cung4 fung4
Character Meaning:
heavy; still; re-; important; high level; strongly; substantial; severe; layer; to place value upon; to respect; even more; in addition; and; last but not least; again; once more
meet; every; to meet; to encounter
Part of Speech: verb
to reunite; to meet again
(Cant.) 久別重逢gau2 bit6 cung4 fung4
(Eng.) to meet again after a long period of separation
(Cant.) fan1hoi1zo2廿jaa6nin4zi1hau6keoi5dei6zung1jyu1hai2baa1lai4cung4fung4
(Eng.) Being separated for twenty years, they finally reunited in Paris.
See also: 團聚 和好如初 天各一方 情投意合 相親相愛 相逢恨晚 相遇 破鏡重圓 重聚 重遊舊地 難捨難離 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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