
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ji1 gau6
Character Meaning:
according to; depend on; this; these; to follow; to accord to; with reference to; to abide by
past; old; historical; worn out; former; ago; before; earlier; used as a prefix
Part of Speech: adverb
as before; still; to remain the same as compared to some point in the past
(Cant.) gam1nin4syu1zin2ji1gau6jan4tau4jung2jung2
(Eng.) The book exhibition this year is still (as before) crowded with people.
See also: 照樣 依然 照舊 也 還是 一動不如一靜 一如既往 仍舊 依然 依然故我 始終如一 拒人於千里之外 紋風不動 處之泰然 話雖如此 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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