
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bou6 mun4
Character Meaning:
(measure); part; section; region; unit; department; ministry
door; gate; entrance; opening; school of thought; branch of study; methods, ways
Part of Speech: noun
department; section (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) kwaa1bou6mun4siu2zou2
(Eng.) interdepartmental unit
(Cant.) bou6mun4pin1zai3
(Eng.) departmental establishment
(Cant.) zing3fu2jap6min6jau5hou2do1go3bou6mun4jau5m4tung4zik1zaak3
(Eng.) There are many departments in the government; their duties are different.
(Cant.) bou6mun4zi1gaan1jing1goi1wu6soeng1hip3調tiu4
(Eng.) Departments should coordinate with one another.
See also: 科 一面 節 欄 起飛 離開 啓程 出境 人力資源 公共關係 持份者 機構 機關 特區政府 税務 管理層 管理處 雀局 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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