
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tung1 soeng4
Character Meaning:
common; pass; macaroni; pipes; expert; to communicate; to inform; to lead to; to arrive at; to understand; to know; open; through; connected; logical; coherent; reasonable; entire; whole
often; frequently; usually; regular; usual; habitual; frequent; constant; invariable; common; ordinary; normal; standard
Part of Speech: adverb
usually; generally; normally
(Cant.) ngo5tung1soeng4wui5hai2ni1dou6sik6aan3
(Eng.) I usually eat here for lunch.
See also: 常常 素來 平時 大將 大體而言 一般 大方 常態 尋常 照理 等閒 一般 一般來説 一般而言 基本上 多半 多數 大部份 大部分 或者 有時候 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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