
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gon2
Part of Speech: verb
  • to rush; to hurry
    (Cant.) keoi5gon2heoi3gin3nei5
    (Eng.) He rushed to see you.
    (Cant.) keoi5gon2zyu6heoi3sik6faan6
    (Eng.) He is rushing for supper.

  • to drive
    (Cant.) 趕客gon2 haak3
    (Eng.) to scare customers away
    (Cant.) gon2joeng4
    (Eng.) to herd sheep

  • to try to catch
    (Cant.) ngo5jiu3gon2loeng5dim2gaa3baa1si2faan1hok6ting1jat6sin1gong2
    (Eng.) I need to catch the bus which departs at 2 p.m. to school. Let's talk tomorrow.
    (Cant.) gon2deadlinedet1 laai1
    (Eng.) rushing to meet a deadline

  • to hurry to finish
    (Cant.) gon2功課gung1 fo3
    (Eng.) to hurry to finish a homework assignment
    (Cant.) gon2projectpo1 zek4
    (Eng.) rushing to finish a project.

See also: 催促 趕忙 急促 奔 湧 開走 駛 推進 駕 行駛
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