
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hang4 sai2
Character Meaning:
to walk; profession; behaviour; okay; a line; a row; trip; performance; action; industry; perfunctory; "hong"; a shop; a firm; to browse; to move; to adopt; to take; dry; to extend; to open; to setup
to drive; to fly; to sail; to exploit someone; to spend money
Part of Speech: verb
(of vehicles) to go; to travel; to drive
(Cant.) maan6sin3hang4sai2
(Eng.) to travel in the slow lane
(Cant.) gam1jat6baa1si2ziu3soeng4hang4sai2
(Eng.) Buses will run as usual today.
(Cant.) dei6tit3gam1maan5zoeng1wui5tung1siu1hang4sai2
(Eng.) The Mass Transit Railway will operate trains throughout tonight.
See also: 拎走 多哥 遊 旅行 遨游 遊歷 駛 推進 駕 促使 保姆車 公交車 切線 山地車 慢駛 行走 行車 車軌 遙控車 開夜車 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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