
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caak2
Part of Speech: noun
thief; robber; thug (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) jau5caak2aa3
(Eng.) Thief!
(Cant.) go3caak2coeng2zo2ngo5go3sau2tai4din6waa2
(Eng.) The robber snatched my mobile phone.
(Cant.) cam4maan5keoi5uk1kei2jau5caak2jap6uk1tau1zau2zo2gei2cin1man1
(Eng.) A thief broke into his home last night and stole a few thousand dollars.
See also: 賊仔 小偷 三隻手 墨七 賊毛 匪徒 劫匪 匪 暴徒
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: caak6
Part of Speech: morpheme
thief; robber; thug; the original pronunciation of caak2 that is only use in certain words
(Cant.) 大賊daai6 caak6
(Eng.) robber; raider
(Cant.) 賊仔caak6 zai2
(Eng.) thief; pickpocket
(Cant.) 賊眉賊眼caak6 mei4 caak6 ngaan5
(Eng.) (of someone's face) looks like a thief; literally, robber brows and robber eyes
See also: 賊仔 小偷 三隻手 墨七 賊毛 匪徒 劫匪 匪 暴徒
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License